
29 December 2021

Winter walk

 It's Christmas! The snow has covered the sylvanian village and the Husky family dressed in warm clothes are out for a winter walk. Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful!

The Husky kids are admiring the view from the bridge.
-Look the slopes are full of snow!
-Yes perfect for sledding!

The creek is frozen and the triplets are enjoying the ride!

Woo hoo! So much fun!

15 December 2021

The surprise

 -Hi Rebecca, that's nice! Can we play together?
-I am very busy at the moment Hannah, why don't you watch some cartoon on TV..!

-Will you play with me mum?
-Sorry honey, I have to finish this, maybe you can play with your toys for a while!

-Hi dad! What are you doing?
-I am cutting this plywood with the saw!
-Can I help you?
-I am afraid this is not a task for you little one!

17 November 2021

Sylvanian School

 -I will be late for school! Bye mum!
-Good bye dear, walk carefully and be nice!
-OK mum!

-This is my brand new school bag!

It's a wonderful route to the village school through the fields!

The school yard is full of little pupils. The village teacher, Ariana Woolly, is already out, ringing the bell!

1 November 2021


 Daniel Fielding gives Winton Dale a good fright!

-Come down Winton, it's me! Just practicing for Halloween night!...

* * * HAPPY  HALLOWEEN * * *

5 September 2021

Greek island vacation

 The Patches are on vacation! Can you guess where?
-This place is so wonderful honey!
-Oh yes! Especially this very moment that we are alone and enjoying our 'ouzo' drink!

The Patches kids are there too!
-Come on guys stay still... let me take you a picture with my new camera!
-Sorry honey, that peaceful moment didn't last long!...
-Never mind dear, let's have the rest of our ouzo and enjoy the view!

When the wind blows strong my pinwheel will spin so fast!

8 August 2021

Motorcycle trip

 George Mulberry is a great handyman. He can repair almost anything! His favourite place is his garden shed. In fact it's a mini workshop where he keeps most of his tools and equipment.

George's biggest love, besides his wife, is his vintage motorcycle! It has a sidecar and carries most of his precious family memories as he owns it for over 30 years! He loves tinkering with his motorcycle for hours. But he knows how to take good care of it and it is still functioning quite well!

Mildred Mulberry waters the flowers first thing in the morning. Their scents and colours lift her mood up and then she's ready to enjoy breakfast with her husband!

-Oh George, will you have a break and join me for breakfast? You woke up so early and still had nothing, you must be hungry I believe!
-Yes dear, I am coming!

30 May 2021

Peter Pan (part 4)

 -Oh no!
-All right, men, take them away. And now Smee, to take care of Peter Pan...!

-I'm sure Pan will find our little present quite 'exploding'!

-So will you join me crew or else you will walk the plank!
-Never! Peter Pan will save us!
-Hear that Smee, Peter Pan will save them, haha! I don't think so, when he finds our little package... and reads the inscription 'To Peter with love from Wendy. Do not open till 6 o’clock...
-What's in the package?
-Just an ingenious little device... that will blast Peter Pan out of Neverland for ever!...
-Oh no!

29 April 2021

Peter Pan (part 3)

 -Just imagine! Real live mermaids!
-Hello Peter! Who is she?
-Hi girls! This is Wendy!
-Hello Wendy, join us for a swim!
-Oh hello! No thanks, I am not dressed properly!...

-Peter you've been away so long, will you tell us one of your adventures?
-Yes Peter something exciting!
-Well OK! I will tell you about the day I... but wait ... I see something behind these rocks! Let's have a closer look...

-It's Hook! They've captured Tiger Lily and heading for Skull Rock! I can see someone else is watching them too... Follow me Wendy, let's find out what they're up to!
... Tick tock.... tick tock....

-Now my dear princess, you tell me the hiding place of Peter Pan and I'll set you free. Am I not a man of me word Mr. Smee?
-Yes.. a-always Captain... !
-So better talk my dear or soon the tide will be in and then it will be too late!

1 April 2021

Peter Pan (part 2)

 -Blast that Peter Pan! If I could only find his hideout!
But where is it? I've searched everywhere on the map! Maybe here? 

 -No that's the Indian village... but wait...! They know this island better than I do me own ship. Ah, I wonder...
... Smee!...

-I'm here Captain Hook!
-I’ve got it! Tiger Lily, Smee!
-T-T-Tiger Lily Captain?
-Yes Smee, the chief's daughter, she'll know where Pan is hiding!
-But... oh dear... why don't we leave Neverland and forget Peter Pan! And the crew is getting a might uneasy! We will all be happier if we leave this place!
-Not after what he did to me! Cutting me hand and throwing it to that crocodile! That beast liked the taste of me and has been following me ever since!
-And he’d have you by now, Captain, if he hadn’t swallowed that alarm clock that warns you with his ticktock!
-So we must find Tiger Lily!
-B-b-but will she talk captain?
-Oh, a little persuasion might be in order..

-Peter Pan ahoy!
-Swoggle me eyes, it is Pan! Headed this way with some more of those scurvy brats!

23 February 2021

Peter Pan (part 1)

 ... All this has happened before, and it will all happen again...

-Take that! Give up, Captain Hook?

-Never! I’ll teach you to cut off me hand Peter Pan!

-Wendy, will you tell us another Peter Pan story?
-Well, father wants me to stop telling Peter Pan's stories and said that it's my last night in the nursery because I've grown up...
-Oh that's so sad... we love these stories... and we don't want you to grow up!
-I don't want to grow up either... Now, John, Michael, time for sleep. But I am leaving the window open just in case...
-In case of what?
-In case Peter Pan comes back! You know I found something that belongs to him!
-And what's that Wendy?
-His shadow...! Our dog Nana had it but I took it away!

-Let's find my shadow Tink, must be here somewhere... and try not to wake anyone up...

Shadow? Shadow?...

18 January 2021

Indoor fun

 -Did you enjoy the movie guys?

-Yes it was a great one! Especially together with the delicious butter popcorn!

-OK! What are we doing next?

-How about some music! Here is a collection of vynil records!
-That would be awesome! Let's put this dance album on the record player!

-Yeah! Move to the beat!

* * * * * * * * * * 

1 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021

 May the new year be filled with brightness, hope, love and hugs! Wishing for a wonderful and safe 2021 surrounded by all your loved ones!

Happy New Year dear friends!
Hoping for more HUGS in 2021!