
29 December 2021

Winter walk

 It's Christmas! The snow has covered the sylvanian village and the Husky family dressed in warm clothes are out for a winter walk. Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful!

The Husky kids are admiring the view from the bridge.
-Look the slopes are full of snow!
-Yes perfect for sledding!

The creek is frozen and the triplets are enjoying the ride!

Woo hoo! So much fun!


  1. What a beautiful sight! It's a winter wonderland over there! The Husky triplets are so cute! With their festive red skarves and hoodies. The mother's shawl looks warm and fuzzy, how interesting! I also noticed that the females and males have different markings and tail colors, thank you for posting about this family. I love sledding very much, so the final photo made me smile so much.

    Happy New Year, Sylvanako,
    Yosemite (AKA Posh Pear)

    1. So happy you like the pictures! It is indeed a wonderful family, so well made! Tank you! Happy new year!

  2. Dear Sylvanako,

    What adorable pictures! The husky family definitely add to the cuteness factor! The snowy scenery is gorgeous and your photos are impeccable as always.

    Hope you had a Happy New Year with your loved ones, too,


    1. Thanks a lot Emillie, The Huskies are adorable and fit so well in the winter scenery! Happy new year!

  3. Always so happy to admire your brilliant pictures. Happy New Year and lots of creativity! If you ever think of making a coffee table book with all your pictures, I would buy it without a second thought.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope one day too! Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Sylvanako!

    I echo Irinel's words; I have long since thought how I'd love to possess a coffee table book of your artistry. To share your wonderful pictures with friends who don't have the Internet and see their reactions - and to have such inspiration at hand... well, it would be wonderful.

    As for this post, I don't have much to add to the usual superlatives. I'll just say, "simply lovely."

    Take care, my friend.
