
23 February 2021

Peter Pan (part 1)

 ... All this has happened before, and it will all happen again...

-Take that! Give up, Captain Hook?

-Never! I’ll teach you to cut off me hand Peter Pan!

-Wendy, will you tell us another Peter Pan story?
-Well, father wants me to stop telling Peter Pan's stories and said that it's my last night in the nursery because I've grown up...
-Oh that's so sad... we love these stories... and we don't want you to grow up!
-I don't want to grow up either... Now, John, Michael, time for sleep. But I am leaving the window open just in case...
-In case of what?
-In case Peter Pan comes back! You know I found something that belongs to him!
-And what's that Wendy?
-His shadow...! Our dog Nana had it but I took it away!

-Let's find my shadow Tink, must be here somewhere... and try not to wake anyone up...

Shadow? Shadow?...


Aha, there it is, you found it Tink! 

-Peter Pan! I knew you'd come! I am Wendy! I saved your shadow for you! Let me help you sew it on! You look exactly the way I thought you would!

-Thanks! Your dog got it from me the other night! I was at the window listening to your great stories about me! I tell them to the lost boys!
-I am so glad you came tonight Peter or I might never have seen you. It's my last night in the nursery... I have to grow up tomorrow...
-Grow up? But that means no more stories!...

-No, I won't let that happen! Come with me Wendy, we're going to Neverland!
-You'll never grow up there!
-Oh Peter that's wonderful, but... what would mother say?
-Mother... what's a mother?
-A mother is someone who loves and cares for you and tells you stories!
-Good! You can be our mother then. Come on!

-He is here! He is here! Hello Peter Pan,we are Wendy's brothers, Michael and John!
-Look! Is that a pixie?
-Yes,that's Tinker Bell!
-What is she doing?
-What did she say?
-She says... Wendy is a big, ugly girl, haha!
-Oh well, I think she's lovely!

-Wendy, come on, let's go!
-Peter I couldn't go without Michael and John!
-OK then! Are you all ready to go?
-But... how do we get to Neverland?
-Fly of course!
-Fly? ...But... we don't know how to fly!
-It's not that difficult! All you need is to think of a happy thought... and a little bit of pixie dust!
-Oh my! We can fly!
-Yes! You can fly!

-Come on everybody, here we go! Off to Neverland!
-Yay! We can fly! We can fly!

-There it is Wendy, second star to the right and straight on till morning!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


  1. Hello Sylvanako! I'm Posh Pear, but my name is Yosemite and a year ago I stumbled upon your Flickr account. Sadly, I couldn't find it again. Your photos were amazing and I especially loved your fairy tale stories! Amazing work!

    I am glad I have found your account again and this Peter Pan tale is lovely! I remember when I was younger watching so much Peter Pan and Disney movies! Love that shadow and I hope to see more!

    Keep up the good work,
    Posh Pear (Yosemite)

    1. Thank you so much Yosemite for your kind words! My Flickr account is always there but I am glad you found my blog too! More of the story is coming soon!

    2. Your welcome, Sylvanako and I'll most definitely be on the look out for Part 2!

      -Posh Pear (Yosemite)

  2. I loved it what a great presentation

  3. I am glad you have kept posting on your blog. The pictures are much bigger here and we can see so finely the details in each of them! And it's a format that makes it easy for my daughter to read :) Looking forward to the rest of your story!

    1. Thank you Jane! Yes I believe my pictures look better in this format! Happy that your daughter enjoys them!
