
1 April 2021

Peter Pan (part 2)

 -Blast that Peter Pan! If I could only find his hideout!
But where is it? I've searched everywhere on the map! Maybe here? 

 -No that's the Indian village... but wait...! They know this island better than I do me own ship. Ah, I wonder...
... Smee!...

-I'm here Captain Hook!
-I’ve got it! Tiger Lily, Smee!
-T-T-Tiger Lily Captain?
-Yes Smee, the chief's daughter, she'll know where Pan is hiding!
-But... oh dear... why don't we leave Neverland and forget Peter Pan! And the crew is getting a might uneasy! We will all be happier if we leave this place!
-Not after what he did to me! Cutting me hand and throwing it to that crocodile! That beast liked the taste of me and has been following me ever since!
-And he’d have you by now, Captain, if he hadn’t swallowed that alarm clock that warns you with his ticktock!
-So we must find Tiger Lily!
-B-b-but will she talk captain?
-Oh, a little persuasion might be in order..

-Peter Pan ahoy!
-Swoggle me eyes, it is Pan! Headed this way with some more of those scurvy brats!

-Look guys, that's Tink!
-She says she has orders from Peter Pan!
-Hold it men... what's the orders Tink? A terrible Wendy bird is flying this way? And Peter wants us to shoot it down?

-There, I can see that Wendy bird!
-Me too! Me too!
-OK men! Ready... aim... Fire!
-Oh noo!...

(Peter arrives in time and saves Wendy from falling)
-Thank you Peter, you saved my life!
-What are you all doing! I bring you a mother to tell you stories and you shoot her down?
-Tink said it was a terrible bird...
-Tink said what?
-She said that you wanted us to shoot it down!...

-Come here Tinker Bell! You are charged with high treason. Guilty or not guilty?... Guilty?
Don't you know that she could be seriously hurt? I banish you until you truly regret your action!...
... Come on Wendy, I will show you the island, let's start with the mermaids! And you men, you can go out and capture some Indians, John you be the leader!

 ♫...Following the leader, the leader
the leader
we're following the leader
wherever he may go...!  ♫

-Are the Indians bad?
-No, it's just a game we play! If we win and capture them then we turn them loose. If they win they turn us loose!
-OK, that sounds fun!
-Come on men, let's go get' em!

-It's the Indians!
-Oh no! It looks like they've found us first!...

-How Chief! You win! Now turn us loose!
-First Chief wants to know where you hide princess Tiger Lily!

-Tiger Lily? We ain't got your princess!
-Where is she then?
-We don't know...maybe Peter could find her...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


  1. Wow! There is so much detail. Love how you used a fox for Captain Hook since foxes and sly and sneaky. The Lost Boys have amazing costumes, plus Tink looks adorable when she is upset.

    Keep it up,
    Posh Pear

  2. You outdid yourself with the costumes! This story is action-packed! I don't know how you do it my friend but your pictures are really incredible!

    1. You are always so kind! Thank you for your lovely comments my friend!!
