
5 September 2021

Greek island vacation

 The Patches are on vacation! Can you guess where?
-This place is so wonderful honey!
-Oh yes! Especially this very moment that we are alone and enjoying our 'ouzo' drink!

The Patches kids are there too!
-Come on guys stay still... let me take you a picture with my new camera!
-Sorry honey, that peaceful moment didn't last long!...
-Never mind dear, let's have the rest of our ouzo and enjoy the view!

When the wind blows strong my pinwheel will spin so fast!

-Do you like my new camera? Now smile please!

OK! Perfect shot!

-Let's play hide and seek!

The Patches family are taking an evening walk through the island's narrow alleys!

-Look mom, so many lovely gifts!
-Hello, what is that round blue thing?
-This is called "mati" in Greece which means "eye" and it's a charm that traditionally brings you good luck and keeps you safe!
-Oh can I have one of those mom?

-Look dad I bought a 'mati'! I will put it on our front door so we will all have good luck and be safe!
-That so thoughtful of you little one!

-I got this lovely beaded bracelet! What did you get dad?
-I got a 'komboloi'! It's made of beads too! They say it helps you stay calm and relaxed!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Backstage photos:


  1. Hi Sylvanako - just had to stop by to see your beautiful Greek Island story again! These photos are so lovely, and it's great to see your behind the scenes pictures too - very clever how you used forced perspective in the street. Sorry I don't comment here more often! - I usually read your stories on the forum.

    1. Hi GreyRabbit, thank you for your lovely comment here too! I had great fun with this project, I had ideas for more scenes but I had no time. Maybe next summer I will do more of this project!

  2. Very nice scenes, Sylvanako! The lighting, detail, dialogue was all perfect! The Patches famoly is also very cute. The little souvenirs look great along with this largebackground, will this background be reused?

    Posh Pear

    1. Hi Posh Pear, so happy you like it! Unfortunately I had to take everything down as I don't have much space to keep my setups! That's why I take photos in case I want to set it up again!

  3. How amazing! Not only the story but also the behind the scenes photos. You are a true artist!
