
23 April 2018

Alice in Wonderlan (part 2)

It's always the right time for a tea party!

-Hello, what a wonderful tea party! May I join?
-You could join our party I suppose!

-But first you must have a cup of tea!
-Oh..thank you! Is it your birthday?

 -It is actually an Un-birthday party! That way we can all have one 364 days a year!

-But then it is my Un-birthday too!

   -It is? In that case...happy Un-birthday to you too!

 -Oh dear... I'm very very late...!

 -May I ask you Mr Rabbit, why are you in such a hurry?
  -I have to be in time to the royal gardens for the announcement of the Queen!
  -The Queen?
  -Yes, the Queen of Hearts!



  1. cutata wrote:
    :<3: WOW! What a lovely setting for a tea party, Sylvanako! The light garland and the long table with so many teapots and pastries look fantastic!
    Truly amazing photos! The light on the candles and the hot tea poured into Alice´s cup are great effects.
    I´m really impressed!
    Did you also make the coats, the hat and the rabbit´s outfit? I love the path! I guessed you also made it.
    You deserve a big round of claps! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    Chill82 wrote:
    :love: :love: :love:
    I feel like I could just jump into the pictures & be there...

    Terra wrote:
    This is just the best! Everything works together perfectly...the foliage, the adorable Mad Hatter, the mis-matching's perfect! Happy Un-birthday :) :love:

    The little "splash' effect when the tea is being poured is a lovely touch :love:

    rainbowteakitty wrote:
    SO magical! Well done sylvanko! :D

    1. Thanks dear friends! :love: Happy Un-birthday! haha! :lol:
      The tea party scene was the first one that came into my mind one day when I realized I had a lot of teapots and cups and ...chairs from different sets and originally this would be the only scene I would do. But then I decided I would go for more 'Alice' scenes! The Mad Hatter was actually the second character I 'made' after Alice and borrowed the clothes from other critters like the jacket from the Periwinkle Rabbit grandpa, his vest is from the Macavity Cat grandpa , the shirt is from Basil the chef (can't recall where the pants are from :shifty: ). I made the hat and the bow. I also made some of the other outfits, I really like the ruffled collar on the White Rabbit- made it from a simple ribbon. I wish I had more time to work on the light garland but it is edited. But I made the path using egg carton and moss.


  2. wstran wrote:
    I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this! :love: :love: :-o Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us Sylvanako. :)

    cotton1234 wrote:
    Hi sylvanako WOW this is just BRILLIANT :love: :love: :love: :dance: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    MosswoodFells wrote:
    These are so professionally well done! ^_^

    LadyLollipop wrote:
    This is amazingly well done! The little critters are straight out of my wildest dreams. :love:
    The mad hatter is adorable, but that little card man... oh and I adore how well the background seems to mingle with the mystical magic feeling of it all. The wavy hedge is the perfect backdrop to this little party. I am jealous of how well ironed your tablecloth looks though! I always find this difficult when I try to add any fabric to my pictures, and end up steaming things for hours and still not liking the look.

    Foxinstripysocks wrote:
    This is adorable! I absolutely love it and keep spotting new tiny details.

    1. Aww, thanks all for the kind words! It means a lot!
      Because I always have trouble with the fabrics too, this time I stretched the tablecloth on the table-box, folded it carefully, and I clued the edges under the table using masking tape! That why it has that ironed look!


  3. Terra wrote:
    This is so exciting! I cannot wait to see the Queen! All of the hearts for these photos :love:

    I've been anticipating photos in this series more than anything that's on television or in theatres.

    CandyMulberry wrote:
    Let me guess....the Queen of Hearts is Victoria Truffle? I saw a picture of the boar in the Red Queen outfit so that image stuck in my head.

    Chill82 wrote:
    Ooo so exciting!
    And that dormouse is positivily adorable!

    cutata wrote:
    :<3: :<3: :<3:
    I can´t wait to meet the Queen of Hearts!
    That´s so exciting! :dance:


    1. CandyMulberry wrote:
      Let me guess....the Queen of Hearts is Victoria Truffle? I saw a picture of the boar in the Red Queen outfit so that image stuck in my head.

      Thank you all! Candy, Victoria would make a perfect Red Queen but unfortunately I don't have her yet.


  4. LadyLollipop wrote:
    That is a neat trick! I will have to try something to keep my flyaway tablecloths down... :lol:
    I can't believe how much you made these characters come alive! It is truly magical. Will we get to see the Queen of Hearts?

    Ayrell wrote:
    I just saw all the pictures I had missed!
    Loved the ice-skating pond, with the hot chocolate stand and all those little sweaters and jackets!

    And your Alice in Wonderland pictures are just magical. They are all amazing, but I especially loved the tea party. And I'm looking forward to seeing the Queen of Hearts, my favourite villain as a little kid!

    Webbedflipper wrote:
    I came in at page 94 and had to seriously back up to page 90 and play again right from the beginning! Such a magnificent series, Sylvanako. You've really brought it all to life for me!
    I love the Mad Hatter standing on the Table pouring the tea! The outfits are just amazing! What is that purple Un-birthday cake? Is it Sylvanian??? Just perfect.
    And love your trees, background settings and pathways.
    Made my evening, Sylvanako, ,Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much! I think that the purple cake is from an older 'my little pony' set that I found in my daughter's toys!
