
10 May 2018

Alice in Wonderland (part 3)

It looks like Alice has found her way to the royal gardens...

- Excuse me sirs but why are you painting the roses red?
- The Queen wants them red, otherwise we will lose our heads!

- Oh really? Let me help you then!

 - Her Majesty the Queen of Hearts!

-Who's this? Are you new here? Shouldn't you bow in front of the Queen?
-Yes... your Majesty!

-What is that! Who dares to paint the roses red?

-Off with their heads!

 -But they were trying to...
-Do you dare to doubt me? Off with her head too!

-Oh no! I must leave this mad place immediately!

    . . . . . . .

-Thank God, it was only a dream!...

    . . . . . . .


...some more …

Thank you all guys for having this little journey with me, your respond and comments are so sweet and wonderful! :happy: It was great fun , wonderland is so an inspiring theme and sylvanians can certainly support it! I really enjoyed crafting the outfits and other items like the trees , paths, hedges(I am so pleased with the maze hedges in the last photos). Now my critters are back in their normal clothes except from the red queen because I had a spare Daisy so I decided I will leave her displayed in the queen outfit in my cabinet! She is so cool and maybe in the innocent sylvanian world she wouldn't be so cruel and the story could have a different ending too with all characters having a tea party together!

"Webbedflipper wrote:
Yes your Maze is Ah-mazing! What did you make it from? Any pictures of it in the making? It looks so realistic"
Love how you play with words! Some years ago I bought some kind of grass mat tiles like puzzle pieces(made of foam and a felt/flocked material) in order to use them for my dioaramas but never really used them! But they seemed to be perfect for the maze walls. I cut them the shape I wanted and I also cut some stripes and glued them on the edges so to give them a 3d look. In the photos I edited the joining points to look seamless. This way I can also make more simple hedges for my other photos too! Here are some pictures:


  1. Terra wrote:
    This is perfect! I love the queen; Daisy is perfect for the part. The costumes look great. The playing card costumes are very cool! :love:

    Ayrell wrote:
    Wonderful pictures! I can't believe how accurately you captured the spirit of the books+movie with Sylvanians! :clap:

    Love the can of paint and the tree with the roses being painted. The card costumes are adorable.
    And of course, the Queen! She looks so majestic! Perfect! :D

    cutata wrote:
    BRAVO! :clap: :clap: :clap:
    I was looking forward to meeting the Queen of Hearts :dance: ! Daisy is the perfect character for the part! She looks fantastic in her costume. :<3:
    The playing card costumes are lovely too! Did you make all the costumes?
    I love the heart shaped tree and the little roses. Great effects with the red paint and paintbrushes.
    Amazing, Sylvanako! You are genius!

    CandyMulberry wrote:
    OMG! That is so AWESOME! I never thought about using a Buttercup cow for the Queen of Hearts but she's PERFECT! Love love love it so much! :love:

    LadyLollipop wrote:
    Those card guards!!! LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! Wow, the queen is perfect too - her dress is pretty amazing and fits in so well with her markings.
    This wonderland adventure is so awesome.

    Amaia wrote:
    :love: :love:
    It is awesome Sylvanako!!!!Perfect.
    I love the queen.

    Chill82 wrote:
    :<3: :<3: :<3:

    MosswoodFells wrote:
    OMG! These are -perfect-. Wow!!

    1. Thanks a bunch guys for all the kind comments! Somehow Daisy was the first one that came into my mind for the role of the red queen :crazy: ! Yes I made the costumes, they are all made from felt, especially the cards are very easy to make.


  2. Ayrell wrote:
    Wonderful pictures, as always! Just magical, I adore all the details.
    Love the Cheshire cat in the background! :)

    Terra wrote:
    Yaaayyy!! Well done! :love: :love: :love: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    Thank you so much for the amazing trip to Wonderland! Each photo was simply brilliant and I enjoyed every bit. I was very happy to get to see the Cheshire cat again at the end. :)

    I've had so much fun looking forward to Wonderland photos over the past weeks. You're amazing!

    CandyMulberry wrote:
    Bravo! Bravo! :clap: :clap:

    LadyLollipop wrote:
    What an amazing ending to our tour of Wonderland! That Cheshire is my favourite. :dance:

    Chill82 wrote:

    Amaia wrote:
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
    I love them!!!!
    Your photos are amazing, as always!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

    cutata wrote:
    Lovely ending!
    I really enjoyed looking at all your pictures of Alice in Wonderland!
    Your version of this fairy tale with sylvanians has been amazing! :<3:
    Well done, Sylvanako! :clap: :clap:

    MosswoodFells wrote:
    Oh, it's the end! ;-;

    Sylvanako - I'm out of words for how perfect everything is. You're incredible with photography, editing, and making such a great story with these little critters performing Alice in Wonderland! I love the last picture too.

    Webbedflipper wrote:
    Absolutely fabulous, Sylvanako! You always give 100% to your Sylvanian art! I loved every moment of this story and all the finer details. The clothing is just perfect. I hope some other critters get some use out of the clothing eventually. And yes, Daisy was the perfect choice for the Queen

    1. Thank you all guys for having this little journey with me, your respond and comments are so sweet and wonderful! :happy: It was great fun , wonderland is so an inspiring theme and sylvanians can certainly support it! I really enjoyed crafting the outfits and other items like the trees , paths, hedges(I am so pleased with the maze hedges in the last photos). Now my critters are back in their normal clothes except from the red queen because I had a spare Daisy so I decided I will leave her displayed in the queen outfit in my cabinet! She is so cool and maybe in the innocent sylvanian world she wouldn't be so cruel and the story could have a different ending too with all characters having a tea party together!


  3. Terra wrote:

    I like your alternate ending. Sylvanian kindness can work wonders! :love:

    Ayrell wrote:
    Ah, love them all having their tea party together! Great idea to keep your spare Daisy as the Queen, she's indeed very cool! :)

    Webbedflipper wrote:
    Yes your Maze is Ah-mazing! What did you make it from? Any pictures of it in the making? It looks so realistic


  4. LadyLollipop wrote:
    Those foam blocks are very cool! They made such a nice maze that I was quite shocked to learn what you were using.

    Ayrell wrote:
    The end result sure was perfect! Great idea to use those blocks! It's always cool to see "Behind the scenes" pictures!

    Webbedflipper wrote:
    That’s genius Sylvanako. It’s fabulous how you can turn items into very creative backdrops for your scenery and it’s all these details that add so much to your scenes (as well as the wonderful photography , of course )

    Miss Holiday wrote:
    :lol: Wow - stunning! ... :think: your maze is a good example how things - once bought but never used - someday can turn out very useful! :love: Great job! Thanks for showing!

    sigrun wrote:
    My other favorite thread, and...speechless :shock: The pictures in here will last me for weeks I don't even know where to start you always exceed my expectations :love:

    Going again over them and see if I can find my tongue on the way :oops:

    froglover wrote:
    :shock: :mrgreen: amazing!

    Stephygirl wrote:
    Amazing! You are all so creative.
