
21 November 2017

The Mole House

This is the home of the McBurrows mole family. It's built inside a small hill and that couldn't be more perfect for them as they love living underground! But they also love their beautiful yard and enjoy life in the countryside!

 Mrs Heidi's main concern is to keep her house neat and tidy!

28 October 2017

Making a DIY mole house

I've always liked the idea of an underground house for the mole family but I really can't afford an official one at this time! Also, making a mole house has been in my mind for some time now so I took the decision to build one! There are some instructions in a issue of the sylvanian magazine but it didn't really appeal to me! I decided I want something to have both the inside of a mole house but also a front side with a yard and door that I could use for photos! I searched online an I found many beautiful pictures of fairy and hobbit underground houses so I made a draft drawing of what I want. It is supposed to be under a hill but it also has a nice front yard, window and front door!
I started two days ago,I decided it would be fun if I share the procedure with all you in the forum, however long it takes to finish it!

 Sorry I didn't take more detailed pics of the procedure so far but I will try to explain what i did. I used air drying clay to make the front of the house! I made a thin layer ( I actually rolled a bottle on the clay to make it thin enough). I cut the door and window on paper first and then used them as guides to cut on the clay.

20 October 2017

Trick or treat!

'...Trick or treat...!'

LadyLollipop wrote:Forget the pumpkin, that mushroom is adorable! I want to hug it, and squeeze it and... 
Haha LL, :lol: now you have inspired me for another photo with mushroom baby! Seems like it will really need your hug and affection, because it's getting dark and it is left alone in the scary woods

LadyLollipop wrote::think: Sylvanako, we cannot take the suspense! Did little mushy baby make it out safely?
 Well, the rest of the story goes like this...
... Suddenly three scary figures appear behind the bushes, a mummy, a ghost and a witch! :-o Poor mushy is about to scream and cry... But just then... the figures approach and... reveal their faces! They are the Mulberry kids all dressed up, returning from their Halloween party! What a relief! They help little mushroom to find its way back home safely and... that's how this story ends! :angel:

5 October 2017

The cookies jar

-Come on, you're almost there..!


7 August 2017

Barbecue at the Woodland Lodge

Welcome to Woodland Lodge, the Dandelion's residence in Corntopville!
There is something going on there! Let's take a closer look!

-Hey! They're here, they're here!

-Ah, yes! Look darling they're here!

But of course, it's their cousins, the Dappledawns! They are here at last for the barbecue!

-Welcome cousin Theodora!
-Sorry for being a bit late dear! Lately I can never be on time with the twins!
-No problem at all! I really understand! Oh they are adorable!

-Hi Aster!
-Hi Tilly, love your dress!

-Hi cousin Burdock, I can see you have already started the grilling! They look delicious!
-My pleasure Herbage, make yourself at home!

-I brought some cold beers!
-Oh thanks, I really need one! Cheers!

The beautiful yard is perfect for a barbecue party!... Someone can't wait for the food to be served!

-The burgers are ready children!
-Can I take one first? I really feel soo hungry right now...
-Haha, of course Radish, here grab the big one!

-Aww, thank you guys for the invitation! Those appetizers are fantastic! I will definitely need the recipes Angelica!

The food was delicious. Everyone seemed to enjoy the lovely sunny day!

The meal was over and the parents with the babies went inside for a quick nap! But the kids took advantage to play undisturbed in the yard!
The girls played some rounds of 'snakes and ladders'...

...while the boys had fun playing with their rackets!

After a while the babies woke up and came out to play too!

And Burdock appeared on the front door with his guitar!
-Let's have a real party everyone!

Dad Herbage grabbed the accordion, Tilly took the maracas, baby Donna found a toy tambourine and they all started playing a cheerful melody!

-In a few moments they all started singing and dancing to the rhythm! The party went on for hours. Everyone had a wonderful time!

.................THE END...........

14 July 2017

At the farm with the Dales

At the backyard of their shop the Dales have a small farm where they grow most of their fruits and vegetables! All the members of the Dales, from the oldest to the youngest, love their farm and support the family business!

Barbara Dale is responsible for keeping the plants and trees watered.

Ewan Dale is always there for the hard tasks!

-We’re almost done Iona! Catch this one!

Grandmother Dove Dale helps with gardening too!

Grandfather Wesley is an expert to inspect the quality of the products!
-I am sure our oranges are the best in Sylvania!

Winton Dale is a great help too and he loves learning the secrets of the gardening from his father!
– Look dad this water melon is huge!
–Yes son, I think it’s ready to be picked!

Aunt Wendy is the one to choose which fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready for the shop!

It was a productive day, the harvest was great and everyone looks happy!


Little Emma wants to help too! She tries to give her grandmother a hand with the gardening!

But she is soon bored so she prefers to play with her older siblings!
She plays hide and seek with Iona...

...or she enjoys watching her brother doing some awesome tricks!

But after a while she feels hungry... and... !!!


Thanks everyone, I really enjoyed this project and again it was sad I had to put everything away after the photoshoot... :cry: But I made sure I took many photos! :razz: The Dales are so cute and I love the Grandparents especially! I got them from Mel!

I really wanted some hanging garlics and peppers for the shop! I already had the string of red chilies, I tried to find some miniature for the garlics but it wasn't the right size! So I decided to make some! I also made some extra apples, oranges, lemons, onions ,eggplants and strawberries!
Piffle, I didn't take photos during the making of them but I will try to show a small tutorial if I find some time although I think mine are very simple compared to others!