
5 October 2017

The cookies jar

-Come on, you're almost there..!



  1. LadyLollipop wrote:
    Eeeeek!!! I JUST had one of these at home... came to sit in front of the computer to calm my nerves and what do I find!? :lol:
    Kids will be kids I guess. You brought them to life so perfectly in this one, Sylvanako! Mine just wanted the cookies on the TOP shelf because the EXACT SAME cookies on the bottom shelf in the pretty cookie jar do not taste as good. :crazy:Haha, what kids would do for candy! I remember I used to climb on top of a chair and a stool to reach the kitchen cupboard for the goodies, without my mom taking any notice of me! :-o :lol:

    CandyMulberry wrote:
    That picture brought a chuckle out of me! How did you do it? How did you prevent the books and toys from toppling over? :-oI used blue tack to stick them together! I also used a toothpick (half of it) with blue tack at the edges to attach the baby to the shelf! The toothpick is behind the baby's head so it looks like it stands on its own on the pile! ;)

    Ayrell wrote:
    Hahaha, such rascals! Great picture!

    Terra wrote:
    :lol: :lol: :lol: : :clap:

    Brilliant photo! I love it. Those kittens are not being at all careful...the toy car in the middle of the stack is making me especially nervous!

    It must have taken quite a lot of patience to set this up. Thank you!

    , poor dears! Those cookies cost them dearly. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Terra wrote:
    Poor kitten! I wonder what their parents are thinking about the loud crash they probably just heard! Someone is probably about to ring Dr. Murdoch :love:

    Adorable photos! The little touches really make them outstanding, such as the facial expressions and the way things look "in motion".

    Webbedflipper wrote:
    :love: :love: :clap: :clap: :clap: This is adorable, Sylvanako. Just like kids

    Jessalyn wrote:
    O! They are so sweet :clap: :love:

    pattysminiatures wrote:
    wonderful work and Pics ....can't wait to see what comes next!

    Helly Beaman wrote:
    aaawwww, I would have got them the cookie :)

    Piffle wrote:
    Awwwww love it!

    bloem wrote:
    Another outstanding picture. Now that would look adorable printed on a cookie jar!

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  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for all the nice comments
