
21 November 2017

The Mole House

This is the home of the McBurrows mole family. It's built inside a small hill and that couldn't be more perfect for them as they love living underground! But they also love their beautiful yard and enjoy life in the countryside!

 Mrs Heidi's main concern is to keep her house neat and tidy!

 Father Digger McBurrows besides being a famous tunnel maker, is always willing to help around with any kind of task!

 Muddy and Molly love taking care of their pet tortoise that lives in their yard!

 It really appreciates eating fresh green leaves!

 Muddy also enjoys helping his father, he has so much to learn from him!

 Little Mo is cheerful and lively!
-Let me help you mom!
-Oh you are a sweetheart!

 -She loves playing with fallen leaves and digging holes in the ground!

 She also loves it when her dad lifts her up!
-Wow, the world looks different from up here!

 Digger is also proud of their water well! He dug it all the way down and found clear water for his family!
-Can you fill this jug with water please dad?

 -Of course, here is clear fresh water for everyone!

 Time passes so happily in the mole house especially for the children! Wouldn't you love to live there too?



  1. Piffle wrote:
    Yes I want to live there!!! :lol: Absolutely beautiful Sylvanako, you've outdone yourself!

    Chill82 wrote:
    Wow!!! :-o

    Amaia wrote:
    Wow!!!¡! :<3: :<3: :<3: :<3: :<3: :<3: :<3:
    It is beautiful!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    CandyMulberry wrote:
    You've done a great job with the mole house, Sylvanako! It looks so beautiful! :love:

    Love all the pictures and the moles look so happy! :clap:

    Terra wrote:
    :love: :happy:

    I can't say enough about how much I love this! Congrats on the amazing job you did creating the mole house and the beautiful photos! Your photos are full of so much joy. Beautifully done!

    pattysminiatures wrote:
    Wonderful work and scenery .
    Bravo Sylvanaco! AND YES I would love to live there!

    cutata wrote:
    Sylvanako, you did an amazing job with the Mole´s house and the scenery! :<3: :clap: :clap: What an ideal place to live!
    Your pictures are so beautiful and the Moles look so happy. I can´t stop looking at them!
    You always impress me with your photos but this time you ´ve really outdone yourself.
    Thank you for creating such a lovely scene! :love:

    One more thing, I´m curious about the interior. I know it wasn´t very big but did you put some furniture?

    LadyLollipop wrote:
    This house is so, so, so beautiful! The images are just stunning and your moles are simply endearing.
    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely world with us!

    Cecelia wrote:
    This is so incredibly beautiful! The house photographs amazingly. I love the scenes you've set up. The moles look very happy :)

    bloem wrote:
    I want to live there too!!!!! Stunning and amazing. So much eye for details. I love it so much. In awe once again!

    1. Many thanks my friends to all of you for the beautiful comments, :love: :dance: so rewarding after all the effort!
      I love this little house, it represents the more innocent and natural side of sylvanian life!
      I will try to decorate the inside and post pictures when ready! :) My daughter waits to complete my photos so she can play with it!


  2. LadyLollipop wrote:
    Sylvanako, when your daughter has finished, I think the rest of us are waiting in line to come over and play too! :lol: How adorable! And every time I look, I notice something new - like the lamp by the front door. This is just amazing!

    1. You are all invited to play together :hug:
      I forgot to show the lamp in the making thread, I made it with fimo clay and clear plastic


  3. 09122007 wrote:
    The mole house is stunning Sylvanako! Truly amazing! It is perfect for them. I haven't attempted creating any scenery yet, but this is so inspiring! Do you find any trouble with the moss shedding and getting on the critters? I have this moss (from a school project my daughter did) but hadn't tested it out. What glue did you use to adhere it?

    1. Thank you. The moss does shed but doesn't really stick on the critters so it's safe. I used a white PVA glue for crafts that becomes clear after a while. It's worth to give it a try!

  4. Really wished Epoch would have a look and get inspired to more natural homes for our critters. This home is so perfect for the Moles :)
