A blog about Sylvanian Families, toy photography, collection, miniatures and crafts.

30 September 2024

Chocolate Factory (part 1)

 This is the story of an ordinary boy named Charlie Bucket. He was not faster, stronger, or more clever than other children and his family was not rich, or powerful… in fact, they barely had enough to eat. But Charlie was the luckiest boy in the entire world- he just didn’t know it yet...

Everyday on his way to school Charlie stops to smell the sweet chocolate aroma coming out from a huge chocolate factory. The owner of the factory is a strange man named Willy Wonka. No one has seen him for years. Also nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out. The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy, already packed and addressed! But who works in this big factory? What a mystery!

One day Charlie saw an announcement from Willy Wonka!

I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory. These lucky five will be shown around personally by me and will learn all the secrets and the magic of my factory.
Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars.
In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Good luck to all. And happy hunting!'

Charlie lives in a tiny house with his parents and four grandparents.
-Willy Wonka has announced that he will accept five children in his factory! He has hidden five golden tickets in the Wonka chocolate bars!
-Wouldn't it be great if you found one of these tickets Charlie? I used to work there, it's a magical place!
-Oh Grandpa Joe! That would be awesome but... I only get one bar a year for my birthday...
-Well it's your birthday next week!

-Charlie, your mum and I thought maybe you’d want to open your
birthday present tonight! Here you are!
-Yay! A Wonka bar!
-Open it, Charlie. Maybe there's a Golden Ticket inside!
-Well I've got the same chance as anybody else, haven't I?

-... There's no golden ticket inside...
-Sorry my boy, we wish we had more money for another one...
-Don't worry Charlie... At least you have a wonderful chocolate bar left to enjoy!
-I will share it with all of you!
-Ahh, such a nice kid!...

The next day on his way back from school Charlie spots a coin hidden under the snow!
-Who knows, maybe today will be my lucky day!

-Hello Mr Bill, can I buy this delicious Wonka bar?
-Of course Charlie! Although I've read in the headlines that four of the five tickets have already been found. But you never know! Good luck!
-Thank you!

-What?... Could this possibly be...
-It's... it's a Golden Ticket Charlie! You found Wonka’s last Golden Ticket!
-Yes I did!
-Incredible!Congratulations! Now, quickly, go straight home and show it to your parents! OK?
-Yes Mr Bill! Thank you!...Wow! Thank you so much!

-Look! I found it! I found the last golden ticket! It’s mine!
-Wow! I knew you would find it Charlie my boy!
-I found some money and I bought it! It is my lucky day!
-It sure is! We must also decide who will go with you to the factory!
-I will go!
-OK Grandpa Joe. You know more about the factory than any of us!
-That's settled then! Mr. Wonka here we come!

This is the big day! Charlie with Grandpa Joe and four other children with their family members, are waiting outside the factory!
-I feel so excited!
-Why does it take so long to open the gate?
-Can't wait to meet him!
-I will be the winner!
-I think I see someone coming...

-Welcome my friends to my Chocolate Factory! I am Willy Wonka! I hope this is going to be a great experience for all of you! Now come inside and show me your Golden tickets. I want to meet each one of you children!

-I'm Veruca Salt! And this is my dad.
-Hello Mr. Wonka! When my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these Golden Tickets, I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of them! I’m in the nut business, you see, so I said to my workers to stop shelling peanuts, and start shelling the wrappers off of these Wonka bars instead.
-Yes, my dad always gives me whatever I want...Although I had to wait 3 whole days until he finds this ticket!
-Oh I see... Welcome to my factory then!

-Hello... chomp... Mr. Wonka... chomp... I am Augustus... chomp... Gloop!
-Welcome Augustus! You seem to like my chocolate!
-Hello Mr. Wonka! I'm his mom! We knew Augustus would find the Golden Ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one!
-Yes, I was eating a Wonka bar when suddenly I tasted something that was not chocolate! I looked and found the golden ticket!
-Congrats then! Hope you enjoy it here!

-Mr. Wonka, I’m Violet Beauregarde.
-Oh hello!...
-So one kid’s gonna get a special prize? I don’t care who the other four are. That kid- it’s gonna be me.
-Really! How come...?
-Hello, I'm Violet's mother. My daughter is always a winner! She has won dozens of trophies in various contests!
-I’m a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things, I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars! I'm back to gums now! I’m the junior world champion gum chewer. I’ve been chewing on this piece of gum for three months solid!
-Interesting! Welcome!

-And who are you?
-I'm Mike Teevee. It was a piece of cake to find the Golden Ticket! All I did is check the manufacturing date, offset by weather, and the derivative of the serial number. A retard could figure it out! I only bought one bar in the end!
-Hello, I'm his father! I really can't figure out what he's talking about! You know kids these days with all the technology... He is always in front of a screen, whether it's TV or video game or a computer...
-So Mike, did you like the chocolate bar?
-Actually, I hate chocolate...!
-Oh really! Hmm...Well enjoy your visit!

-Hello Mr. Wonka! It's a pleasure to meet you sir! I'm Charlie Bucket!
-Hello Charlie! Nice to meet you too!
-Well, I was just lucky to find one of the Golden Tickets! I feel so excited to visit your factory! My grandfather Jo has told me so many wonderful things about it!
-I used to work here Mr. Wonka! I don't think you remember me...
-Where you one of the nasty workers that tried to sell my secret recipes?
-No sir, definitely not!
-OK then! Welcome back! Have fun!

-Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! Let's start this tour with the nerve center of the factory, the chocolate room!
-Is that a chocolate river?
-Wow, it's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen!
-Yes that's right! Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. And look over there at my waterfall! It's mixing my chocolate! No other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall! Also almost everything in this room is edible!
-Even the grass?
-Yes you can eat the grass too! Go on, try anything you like!