
3 December 2022

The school newspaper

 -Good morning Mrs Persian!
-Good morning Laya, how are you?
-Fine! Is Lyra here?
-Yes, she's inside. She's working on something, I think about the school newspaper.
-May I see her?
-Of course, why don't you go out for a walk, it's such a lovely day!

Lyra is working on an article for the school newspaper but... she seems to be out of ideas...
-That's not good either... must try again...

-Hi Lyra!
-Hi Laya! Sorry I didn't call you but I am stuck with this article I have to prepare for Monday!
-Oh I see! Well I was hoping we could go out for a walk, it's such a lovely day! Why don't you take your camera with you, maybe you will find something interesting to write about!
-I think you're right! I need a change of scenery and some fresh ideas!

-How about cycling! We can rent a bike from Kenneth's Furbanks bike store!
-That's a wonderful idea! We can ride through the forest bike route and all the way down to the lake!
-Hello Mr Furbanks! We want to rent a bike!
-Hello girls! I have just the right one for you!

-May I take a picture for my article, Mr Furbanks?
-Ah! With great pleasure Miss Lyra!

-That's perfect! Thank you!

-Yay! What a wonderful ride!
-So true! We should do it more often!

-Such a beautiful view!
-Look, it's Moses Bullrush! We can hire his canoe and paddle around the lake!
-That's a great idea! Let's do it!

-Hello Moses! We'd like to hire your canoe for a ride!
-OK girls! Let me help you with the life jackets!
-Could you please take a photo of us while we paddle?
-Of course! Just tell me when you're ready!

-This is great fun! And the view is amazing!
-OK girls! Your photo is ready!

-All these activities made me very hungry!
-Me too! And I know exactly what to do about it! Let's visit the town pizzeria! Mr Walter Pookie makes the most delicious pizza in Sylvania!

-You're right! It is so delicious! I will certainly include this lovely pizzeria in my article too!
-You must talk to Mr Pookie then!

-Hello Mr Pookie! We really enjoyed your fantastic pizza! And your restaurant is so wonderful and cozy! May I have a photo of you for my school newspaper?
-Aww, thanks a lot Miss Lyra, no problem at all!

-Do we look OK?
-Oh yes, this will be a great photo!

-Let's walk through the park on the way back!
-Ok! But... how about one last thing before we go back home?
-I think I have the same idea! And yes it's a great one!

-Hello Mrs Splashy! We'd like to have some ice-cream!
-At your service my little ladies! What is your favourite flavor?
-Chocolate and vanilla mix for me!
-Strawberry and vanilla mix for me please!

-We'd like to take a picture for the school newspaper, would that be OK?
-Oh that would be lovely!
-Really? Thank you very much Mrs Splashy!
* click*

-So delicious! Right?
-Mmm! Heavenly! Love it!

-We had a wonderful time!
-Yes it was great fun! Thank you Laya for helping me gather all these amazing stories, now I have plenty of inspiration for my article!

-So...the title will be..."A fun day out and about in our town!' I am sure this article will be a great success!

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