
16 July 2022

Pinocchio (part 3)

 -Well well... how is the great actor?
-I don't want to be an actor. I just want to go home and be a good boy! Stromboli was terrible. He locked me in a cage...
-He did?...
-Yes but now I have learnt my lesson...
-Oh my boy you definitely had a hard time, you look like a nervous wreck! And there's only one cure for this... a vacation on Pleasure Island! A place where every day is a holiday!
-But I was going to...
-I will give you my ticket but hurry the coach departs any minute now, come with us quickly!...

-Hi, I'm Lampwick, who are you?
-Hi, I'm Pinocchio...
-Have you ever been to Pleasure Island?
-No, Mr Honest John gave me his ticket...
-Me neither but they say it's a great place, no parents, no school, plenty to eat and drink all free! You can do anything you like and nobody says a word!
-Boy, that's the place, I can hardly wait!...

-Wow, this place is awesome! We can do anything we like! No rules only pure joy!
-Yes, let's have fun!

-Hey! Aren't you having fun? Why are you staring at me?
-Your... your ears...
-What about them?...
-Come on Pinocchio, oh no!
-Jimini! How did you get here?
-Hurry up, we must immediately leave this place! Boys turn into donkeys here and they sell them! Look you have donkey ears too! Quickly let's get out of here before it's too late!

-Nobody is at home!
-Look, there is a message from the fairy lady! It seems that Geppetto went looking for you and was swallowed by a whale!
-Oh no! A whale?
-Yes a whale named Monstro! But here it says that he is alive inside that whale at the bottom of the sea!
-Let's go Jiminy, we've got to find him!

-Father! Father!
-Mr. Geppetto!
-Could any of you tell me where to find Monstro?

-That whale must be Monstro! Oh no! He is swallowing everything in his way!

-At last! Food! Monstro has woken up after all this time, we've been starving for days in his belly! But now look, so many fish Figaro! We'll eat!

-Pinocchio! Is that you?
-Father! I found you! We're together again!

-Oh my boy, I am so happy to see you! But you are soaking wet, you will catch a cold! Let me take your hat off!... Oh no...
-What's the matter father?
-Those ears...
-Oh these... I got a tail too!
-What happened Pinocchio?
-Um... well...
-Oh never mind, I am so glad to have you, nothing else matters.
-But father we have to get out of here!
-I have tried everything my son, I have even built a raft! But Monstro only opens his mouth to eat! Then everything comes in, nothing goes out... It's hopeless. Now let's light a fire and cook some fish.
-That's it father! A fire! A big one with lots of smoke! We will make him sneeze and get out on the raft! Let's try it!

-We made it, we're out of the whale!
-But now he is mad, he will try to get us!
-Faster, faster!

-Oh no, he smashed our raft!
-Father... father!...
-Pinocchio, save yourself my son! Don't mind for me! Just swim and save yourself...
-No father, I will save you!...

-Pinocchio... Oh my brave little boy! You saved us but... you didn't make it... 
I... I just wish...

'... Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy. Awake, Pinocchio. Awake! ...'

-Father! I am alive! And I am a real boy! Look! I even have a real nose!
-Yes, yes Pinocchio! You ARE a real boy! What a miracle! But you are such a good boy, you really deserve it! Well come on everybody, this calls for a big celebration!

* * * * * * THE   END * * * * * * 

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