
2 April 2022

Pinocchio (part 1)

 ... When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you…

Hello folks! I am Jiminy Cricket! Do you believe in wishes coming true? Well, let me tell you a story!
It was a beautiful starry night, long time ago. While wandering around I found myself in a little house of a wood-carver named Geppetto!...

... It was a magical little place full of toys, clocks, music boxes, all curved out of wood. And then something else caught my eye!... A puppet! Such a cute little fella!...
... But all of a sudden ... I heard someone coming!...

-Come on Figaro! He only needs just a little more painting and he's finished!

-There! All done! Now I have just the name for you... Pinocchio! It's perfect for him, isn't it Figaro!

-All right my little wooden head, let's try you out!
Figaro isn't he adorable, and he looks so real!

-Look Figaro! A wishing star!
... Star light, star bright.
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I made tonight!
Do you know what I wished? I wished my Pinocchio might be a real boy! Wouldn't that be nice!...

-Geppetto is such a good man, he deserves his wish to come true!...
... Little puppet, you may come to life!

-I can move, I can talk!
-Yes Pinocchio, your father wished you were a real boy so I gave you life!
-Am I a real boy?
-Not yet, but if you prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish then someday you will be a real boy! You must learn to choose between right and wrong!
-How will I know?
-Your conscience will tell you!
-What's a conscience?

-I'll tell ya! It's that little voice that people won't listen to.
-Are you my conscience?
-Would you like to be Pinocchio's conscience?
-Who me? Well...OK!
-Very well! Mr. Jiminy Cricket I dub you Pinocchio's conscience!

-OK Pinocchio, now that I am your conscience let's have a heart-to-heart talk. The world you see is full of temptations.
-Yes, you know... Some things may seem right but they are wrong... And maybe sometimes the wrong may be right... but then you must know what's right and what's wrong... Ehm.. understand?
-Well, it may be hard at first but anytime you are in trouble just give a little whistle and I'll be there!

-Pinocchio... How did you get down here?
-I... fell down...
-You did? But wait... you... you are talking!...
-No, no...
-And I can move too!
-No... no... that's not possible! I must be dreaming... I must wake up...
-You are funny!
-But... you do talk...
-Yes, the Blue fairy came!
-And I have a conscience...and I will be a real boy someday! 
-Oh...a real boy...! It's a miracle... my wish came true! You can talk, you can walk! It's a true miracle! 

* * * * * * * * * * * *

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