
29 December 2021

Winter walk

 It's Christmas! The snow has covered the sylvanian village and the Husky family dressed in warm clothes are out for a winter walk. Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful!

The Husky kids are admiring the view from the bridge.
-Look the slopes are full of snow!
-Yes perfect for sledding!

The creek is frozen and the triplets are enjoying the ride!

Woo hoo! So much fun!

15 December 2021

The surprise

 -Hi Rebecca, that's nice! Can we play together?
-I am very busy at the moment Hannah, why don't you watch some cartoon on TV..!

-Will you play with me mum?
-Sorry honey, I have to finish this, maybe you can play with your toys for a while!

-Hi dad! What are you doing?
-I am cutting this plywood with the saw!
-Can I help you?
-I am afraid this is not a task for you little one!