
24 December 2020

Christmas with the Yule family

 The Peppermint Yule family is a custom rabbit family made by a very special friend and collector, Terra Jackson  who was so kind to send them to me  as a Christmas gift last year!

 They have green tipped ears, green noses and lovely red tails which make them the perfect Sylvanian Christmas family!

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The Yules are preparing for Christmas!

Mother Merry has baked the most delicious cookies and her daughter Ivy can't wait to taste them!

Grandma Holly started knitting Christmas stockings for everyone!

Father Claus and Ivy are hanging a colourful wreath on the front door!

Grandpa Pine loves decorating the Christmas tree every year! His grandson Nicholas is giving him a helping hand!

Christmas is just around the corner and all the presents for family and friends must be beautifully wrapped!

Today is the day! The traditional Christmas dinner is ready for the whole family to enjoy!
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

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8 December 2020

At the supermarket

-Honey, I need butter for the pancakes but I am feeding the baby right now. Could you please buy some?
-Don't worry dear, I am popping out to the supermarket. I'll be back in no time!

-Can I come with you dad?
-OK son, let's go shopping together!

-Hey dad, they seem to have some great offers today, even on chocolate bars!
-Really, we better get a shopping cart!

-Good morning Mrs Harvey! Are there any chocolate bars left?
-Good morning! I'm sure you will find plenty in the snack section!

1 November 2020

Halloween fun

 -Don't be scared grandpa, look... it's me

-Where's all your candy?

-Well, walking in this heavy costume made me very hungry!

Happy Halloween!

9 October 2020

A horse cart ride

 It's been since the beginning of the summer that Mr Richard Grunt had promised a horse cart ride to his kids and their friends. And today is the day!

-Thank you Mr Grunt, we will have a wonderful time!

-Yes Amelia, it's a fine day for a ride! Let me help you up!

Is everyone sitting nice and comfortable back there?

-Yeees Mr Grunt!

-OK Dapple! Let's take those kids for a lovely ride!


-What a lovely day! Just feel the fresh breeze on your face and hear the clopping of the horse's hooves and the sound of flowing water!

Nothing better than a stop for a quick snack by the river!

20 August 2020

Mary Poppins (part 4)

-I thought the children were with their father... I hope you haven't been running off again...
-Well not exactly running off ma'am... They've had a bit of a fright though... Need someone to look after them...
-Oh... Of course,.. Mary Poppins... but she's not here yet, it's her day off... and I have to go too, I'm dreadfully late... Perhaps you sir... you've been so kind in looking after the children!
-Me ma'am? Well, I have some chimneys to clean...
-Oh how clever! Our chimney smokes terribly so could you please clean it? It will amuse the children too!
-Oh , thank you so much. I do appreciate it. I must hurry. Our gallant ladies in prison are waiting for me to lead them in song! Good-bye, my darlings.

-It looks so dark up there!
-Well that's so wrong! Can you believe that the chimney is actually a doorway to a magical place! And the sight from the rooftops of London is wonderful!
-Really! I do wish we could go up there!

-Can I try to sweep the chimney too?
-OK, here! Can you feel the pull on the end of that brush?... Oh Mary Poppins you're back!
-Be careful! You never know what may happen around a fireplace!

-Oh no!...

... Whooooshhh...

-Michael... where are you? Come back down here...!

-It's OK Michael,... Oh look! Mary Poppins is coming up the chimney too!...

5 June 2020

Mary Poppins (part 3)

-Yesterday we had so much fun Mary Poppins!
-What will we do today?
-We have so much to do but first of all we must visit uncle Albert!

-Bert, you are here too! How is uncle Albert?
-Well, the truth is that I've never seen him as bad as this...
-Oh really that bad?
-And what about the children, it's contagious you know!
-Shall we get spots?

-See for yourself!
-I'm delighted to see you Mary!
-Oh uncle Albert... But you promised...
-I tried my dear but... I so enjoy laughing, I really can't help it... Ahaha!
-Please children try not to laugh too, you will only make it worse!
-Yes, whatever you do keep a straight face, last time it took us three days to get him down!
-But he's so funny!

♫ I love to laugh
Loud and long and clear
I love to laugh
It's getting worse every year!♫

11 May 2020

Mary Poppins (part 2)

Chim chiminy, chim chiminy chim chim cheroo
I does what I likes and I likes what I do

Today I'm a screever and as you can see
A screever's an artist of highest degree
And it's all me own work
From me own memory
No remuneration do I ask of you
But me cap would be glad of a copper or two!

-Wait, don't move, Well... . I'd know that silhouette anywhere!...

-Mary Poppins! Of course it's you!
-Nice to see you again Bert! This is Jane and Michael.
-Hello! I think I've seen you around! Chasin' a kite last time, weren't it?

3 April 2020

Marry Poppins (part 1)

'Wind's in the east, mist coming in...,
Like something is brewin' about to begin... '

-Good evening! Mr and Mrs Banks I suppose!
-Yes,...come in constable!
-I found them while on duty across the park, I believe they are yours sir!
-Thank you for finding the children , their nanny lost them and we were so worried! .

-Well children, I am waiting for an explanation...
-Sorry we lost our nanny father,... It was windy and the kite was too strong for us...
-We made it ourselves and wasn't a good one, perhaps if you helped us make a better kite...

-Father we are very sorry about today! Since the old nanny left we want to help you find a new one for us! Here is an advertisement we wrote :
'Wanted a nanny for two adorable children. Must be kind, sweet and pretty, play games, give us treats, sing songs and take us walks! Be nice with us and we won't give you cause to hate us!
Sincerely, Jane and Michael Banks.'
-Well enough of this, thank you. Now please return to the nursery!

-Oh George, they were only trying to help...
-Play games... sing songs... give treats...Ridiculous! A home must be run with discipline and precision, just like a bank! I will place an advertisement in the Times. I will require for a nanny that will be firm, serious and respectable. One that can give commands like a general!

-I wish dad finds a nice nanny for us! I wonder how she will be like...

-... Look! It's HER!...
-... Maybe she a witch!...
-Of course not! Witches have brooms!
-She looks exactly what we have asked for in our letter!

2 February 2020

At the Photographer's Studio

-Who is in this picture grandpa?
-The little lad with the lollipop is me and the others are my dad, my mom and my sister. I still remember that day at the photographer's studio, so many years ago!

-Oh it's hard to believe that little baby is you grandpa!

'... Although I was 4 years old I can remember visiting Mr Leo at his studio. We were all dressed in our Sunday clothes! Having a family photo taken was a special event back then!'

'It was my first time I saw a camera and I was a curious little boy! Mr Leo was very kind to explain me how it worked.'

'The photographer instructed us where to stand and how to to pose in front of the camera but there seemed to be a problem... I wouldn't stay still and it was impossible for him to take a decent shot!'

2 January 2020

Christmas cards

Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2020

'Father Christmas'

Baby tree

Hope everyone gets the most wonderful Christmas presents!

'Christmas true spirit is about caring, sharing and giving hope and kindness to those who need it!'

Happy New Year by the Plume owls!

'The snow is fresh! Let's make snow angels!'