
2 February 2020

At the Photographer's Studio

-Who is in this picture grandpa?
-The little lad with the lollipop is me and the others are my dad, my mom and my sister. I still remember that day at the photographer's studio, so many years ago!

-Oh it's hard to believe that little baby is you grandpa!

'... Although I was 4 years old I can remember visiting Mr Leo at his studio. We were all dressed in our Sunday clothes! Having a family photo taken was a special event back then!'

'It was my first time I saw a camera and I was a curious little boy! Mr Leo was very kind to explain me how it worked.'

'The photographer instructed us where to stand and how to to pose in front of the camera but there seemed to be a problem... I wouldn't stay still and it was impossible for him to take a decent shot!'