
22 May 2019

The Wizard of Oz (part 2)

-Now which way do we go?
-...You can go down that way!...
-...Who said that?

-Hi there, it was me!
-But you are a scarecrow!
-Yes I am, and I wish I could think of a way to get down and intruduce myself properly! But I haven't got a brain, only straw...
-Well, how can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
-I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?
-Well I guess you are right...So, I will help you get down!

-Thank you Dorothy! It feels so great to be free! I can jump and dance all day!

-Where are you going?
-I am going to Emerald city,to find the Wizard of Oz.He can help me get back to Kansas.
-A Wizard? Do you think he could give me some brain?
-Maybe he could...
-Will you take me with you?
-Of course I will!

-We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ♪♫♬ !

* * * * * * *

- Oh look over there! It's a man! A man made out of tin!

- He is very rusty... Can you hear something?
-...Oil can...oil can...

-There is an oil can! We could try to oil him...

-Aww... thank you!... I was like this for a year now! I was chopping a tree when it suddenly started to rain and i rusted solid!

- Yay! I feel wonderful! I can move and talk again!
- Yes, you are perfect now!
- Perfect? Hmm..
... If i only had a heart...

-We are going to meet the Wizard of Oz! You can come with us, maybe he can find a way to give you a heart!

-We're off to see the Wizard. the wonderful Wizard of Oz ♪♫♬!

* * * * * * *

-This forest is so dark and creepy! I hope we don't meet any wild animals...
-...I think i saw something moving...

-Oh my...! What kind of animal is that?
-... It's a ... it's a... lion!

-Come on! Who wants to fight first? Are you afraid?
-Go away, leave us alone!
-Scared huh?

-Shame on you, picking on others weaker than you! You're nothing but a coward!

-...You are right...I am a coward... I haven't any courage at all... I'm scared of everything even myself...
-Aw, come now, don't cry...Well listen what! We are on our way to see the great Wizard of Oz! Maybe he could give you some courage!

-Do you want a cowardly lion in your company?
-Of course we do!

-♪We're off to see the Wizard. the wonderful Wizard of Oz ♪♫♬!

-Look there!...Can you see it!

-It's Emerald city! At last we're there!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


  1. 'Forum comments'

    GreyRabbit wrote: ↑Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:16 pm
    So cute, sylvanako! The scarecrow's costume is great!

    I am happy you like the scarecrow costume! I tried to stay close to the movie both for the costume as well as the scenery. :)

    Florence Holiday wrote: ↑Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:03 pm
    :<3: Your Munchkins and Dorothy look soooo sweet! What a good idea to use ribbons for their clothes - no fraying and they look neat and fine... :D Those little chaps with their Bavarian style hats.... adorable!

    Thank you Florence, yes the ribbons is a good idea because of not fraying at the two edges and are perfect for the baby size even to make pants. The only thing is that I sewed the clothes on the figures to save time and I cannot remove them without cutting the stitches...

    Ayrell wrote: ↑Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:18 pm
    What wonderful pictures, once again! Everything looks just perfect, love the little houses and the shiny red shoes! The munchkins were just delightful, and I also loved Glinda, the good witch!
    I loved the yellow brick road as well, and the scarecrow's costume is just ideal! :clap:

    Thanks so much Ayrell, it was fun making them although it took some effort. It would take me longer if I made a real brick road but I used photoshop for the bricks. ;)

    Pigjes wrote: ↑Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:14 am
    So precious!!!!I just had to watch the movie again when I saw the updates on Instagram!!! Wooooooot!!!

    Thanks Pigjes, it was an opportunity to watch it too, two times already and I love it even more now!

  2. Kristy corntop wrote: ↑Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:35 pm
    Omg! Fantastic! The slydale was a good choice. I can't wait to see who you choose for the tin man and lion!

    Thank you Kristy. The slydale was the first that came into my mind! I am posting the new photos where you can meet the tinman! :shifty:

    JacksonButterglove wrote: ↑Fri Apr 19, 2019 11:34 pm
    :loveit: As usual your pictures are creative, skilfully honed and a visual joy. Perhaps you're the Wizard!

    Many thanks my friend, you are so kind! We all hide a small wizard inside! :hug:

    Slydale Hollow wrote: ↑Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:56 pm
    Beautiful story & picture Sylvanako! I’ve been following on insta... your work always makes me smile.

    Many thanks Chill, you are awesome! :yes:

    foxinstripysocks wrote: ↑Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:50 pm
    This is brilliant! You're very talented!

    Thank you for all the support fox!! :love:

    Piffle wrote: ↑Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:22 pm
    Sylvanako when I thought the old forum was completely gone I was absolutely devastated mostly thinking of this thread and your photos. I was SO happy to find it again here when I registered! YAAY!

    You have set yourself a big task with Wizard of Oz!! And I am loving it. That scarecrow is the absolute bees knees. He was always my favourite, and here too ohmygosh he's just perfect. :love:

    I don't know if anyone has pointed out but you are an excellent casting director - the Good Witch actually looks like that poodle!! :lol: And the slydale fox has the perfect face for the scarecrow! Amazing!

    Hi Piffle, had missed you! I am glad i "saved" this thread too! Means a lot to me! I hope you like the tinman character too!

    cutata wrote: ↑Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:31 pm
    Once again, I´m speechless, Sylvanako.

    I have no words to describe how much I like your pictures and how much I admire your work, good taste and creativity.
    This is an amazing project!

    You put so much detail in everything you made! I was really impressed at the village with all those houses, I love the Munchkins´outfits, you created a bunch of adorable dwarfs, the yellow brick road looks so neat and bright and your choice of sylvanians to play the part of the different characters of the story is just perfect.
    I love the scarecrow. His costume looks great and the setting you located him is fantastic. My daughter was looking forward to seeing the scarecrow, as this is the part she had to play, and she loved him to bits.

    Thanks for all the time and work you´re putting into this project.

    Many thanks and hugs to you and your daughter Cutata! I'll do my best to keep her happy with this story!

  3. Pigjes wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 2:15 pm
    :clap: Yay!!!!!!! What a way to make my day super happy!!! Wooooooooooot! :<3:
    JacksonButterglove wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 3:09 pm
    :love: Inspired casting. Wonderful pictures and story. What more can I say?
    Daniela wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 6:01 pm
    I love these pictures SO MUCH! :<3:
    rowena moss wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 10:13 pm
    Great choice for the tin man. Can't wait for more.
    Piffle wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2019 11:54 pm
    :clap: Wonderful!
    CandyMulberry wrote: ↑Tue May 07, 2019 7:50 am
    LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures! You're the best, Sylvanako! :loveit: :loveit: :loveit:
    Kristy corntop wrote: ↑Thu May 09, 2019 7:40 pm
    :loveit: :loveit: :loveit: :loveit: :loveit: :loveit:
    Ahhhhhhhhhh! Omg! Just fantastic. The background and scenery is amazing! Love the shed, the trees. Just wow!!!!!!!
    You have so much talent!
    :love: :love: :love: :love:
    Ayrell wrote: ↑Tue May 14, 2019 11:23 pm
    Lovely pictures as always, Sylvanako! They fit the scenes of the story so well, everything is just in the right place!
    I agree with Rowena, such a great choice for the Tin Man!
    Can't wait to see the rest!
    You are all awesome! Thanks so much guys, you always make me feel great and motivate me to keep going! :loveit: :loveit:
    Let's see what comes next...

  4. rowena moss wrote: ↑Tue May 21, 2019 1:49 pm
    Great job on the lion. I love the photo where you can just see his tail in the trees and the one of the four of them together.

    Thank you very much rowena! I wanted to add a little suspense by showing only the tail! :lol:

    avdd wrote: ↑Tue May 21, 2019 2:33 pm

    Wow, did you make the lion suit? The tears look so real. Did you put it on the figure or added it in on the photo?

    The tears are edited in. I made the lion suit by an old lion plush. I used the fabric to make the uniform and the fur for the mane. I also wrapped a wire with some fabric and fur to make the tail! :)

    Pigjes wrote: ↑Tue May 21, 2019 4:27 pm
    I'm breathless watching this update!! *gasp* The word impressive just does not cover my feelings!!! :<3:

    Thank you so much Pigjew! So happy you like it!

    JacksonButterglove wrote: ↑Tue May 21, 2019 6:35 pm
    :o Simply brilliant. The lion costume is spot on, and the tears welling up in his eyes are the icing on the cake. A continuing treat. I would like a book of your work! :)

    A million Thanks Jackson! Really apreciate it!! :love:

    GreyRabbit wrote: ↑Wed May 22, 2019 11:46 am
    Oh DEAR, the lion is just unbearably CUTE! I want him for a pet! :hug:
    Great job of his sad eyes & tears, too - looks so real!

    Ahaha! He would make an adorable pet indeed! :lol:

    Ayrell wrote: ↑Wed May 22, 2019 6:50 pm
    Oh my, that lion is the cutest! I adore him as well! :lol:
    Great work on the tears and his expression, it's perfect!

    Love all the red flowers and the Emerald City in the background!

    Many thanks Ayrell, editing the city took me the most. If you look closely I used the face of the grand Department building! ;)

    Jim wrote: ↑Wed May 22, 2019 11:15 pm
    This is your MASTERPIECE!!! You have outdone yourself in every way!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :loveit: :loveit: :loveit: :loveit: :shock: :shock:

    Jim you're awesome thanks so so much my friend for all the love!

    Kristy corntop wrote: ↑Thu May 23, 2019 10:04 am
    Amazing! I love the lion, I want to cuddle him!

    Thanks a lot Kristy! I was going to use the official SF lion at first but he is quite different than the one in the movie so later i decided to add a more personal touch! :)

    Everyone can you guess who is hiding behind the lion suit? :?: :?:

  5. by Kristy corntop » Tue May 28, 2019 8:42 pm

    Looks like a porridge bear

    y rowena moss » Wed May 29, 2019 9:52 am

    Is it John Sainsbury in the lion suit?

    Just gone back to look at the emerald city to see the grand department store in it. So clever.

    The lion is actually Dr Murdoch Jr! ;) :lol:

    Today i managed to complete the last part of the story! So here it is...
