
31 October 2023

Halloween 2023

 -Ready for trick or treat?
-You are a lobster! Very cute!
-Thanks but... I don't think I could scare anyone with this costume! 
-Don't say that! Let's see what we can do...

-I believe there is a surprise for you in this chest Mr. Pirate!
-It looks like a treasure chest! Let's open it then!...


Happy Halloween!

* * * * * * * * * *

14 October 2023

Harry Potter (part 3)

 -We are lost!
-I think we're not supposed to be here! It's the forbidden third floor corridor!
-I hear steps!
-Quickly, let's hide in here!
-It's locked!...
-Leave it to me!...ALOHOMORA!... OK, get in!

-Oh no, look!
-It was locked for a good reason!
-Ahhhhhhhh! RUN!

-Phew... that was close...
-Why on earth do they have a giant three headed dog locked up in a school?
-It was standing on a trapdoor! Maybe it's guarding something...

-Hagrid, why there is a giant three headed dog in the school?
-What? You know about Fluffy?
-That thing has a name?
-Of course he has! Actually he is mine! I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the...hmm... nothing... It's top secret!
-We knew he was guarding something important! Why?Does someone want to steal it?
-Maybe Snape is trying to steal it!
-Nonsense! Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher!
-But he is so strange and mysterious!
-Well, stop meddling around you three! What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel... Oh I shouldn't have said that...
-Who is Nicholas Flamel?
-No more questions!