
5 June 2020

Mary Poppins (part 3)

-Yesterday we had so much fun Mary Poppins!
-What will we do today?
-We have so much to do but first of all we must visit uncle Albert!

-Bert, you are here too! How is uncle Albert?
-Well, the truth is that I've never seen him as bad as this...
-Oh really that bad?
-And what about the children, it's contagious you know!
-Shall we get spots?

-See for yourself!
-I'm delighted to see you Mary!
-Oh uncle Albert... But you promised...
-I tried my dear but... I so enjoy laughing, I really can't help it... Ahaha!
-Please children try not to laugh too, you will only make it worse!
-Yes, whatever you do keep a straight face, last time it took us three days to get him down!
-But he's so funny!

♫ I love to laugh
Loud and long and clear
I love to laugh
It's getting worse every year!♫